Saturday, January 7, 2012

Today's Blog Post is brought to you by the number 5.

I can't believe it has been 5 months since I last wrote here. There are oh so many reasons why I haven't been able to blog (I feel a list coming on, that's another post, another time).

For me, New Year's Resolutions are like candy to a small child. They make me happy, fill my eyes with wonder and then leave me running around in a hyper state for longer than I'd like to admit. Lists are beautiful, checked lists are better, but no list might just be 'obedience' this year for me. How is that even possible??

Don't get me wrong, I definitely made a list, but rather than 'resolutions', my list turned in to a list of things I want to do this year, like buy a house again, be good at guitar again, BLOG, have an accountability friend to help me not make resolutions!

So as I sat down to write my 2012 Resolutions, I found the list becoming more of a to-do list, rather than a goals list. So, being the perfectionist I am and wanting to really nail it when it comes to a resolutions list, I grabbed a new piece of paper to scratch out some resolutions. I wanted 5, a nice number- my usual number, same ol' same ol'.

God had other plans...again. (Have I mentioned on here that I dubbed 2011 as "The Year That God Had Other Plans"? I'll add that to the list of future blog posts).

I was reading some of my favorite blogs over New Year's and I saw a trend of choosing a word to be your 'Word for the Year', like Awaken, Create, Splash. Pretty cool, I thought to my overly-wordy-nerdy-English-teacher-all-I-can-think-about-is-poetry-units-and-novel-discussions-self. Yeah, maybe 'no' on the whole one-word thing!

So I sat there frustrated, upset that I couldn't find some perfect word or even a list of 5 things- I'm not asking for much here God!

And then He handed me my resolution- over my bestie, Pandora, came this song:

I love this song. I love the message and I love the music.

I knew that moment that I can't do a New Year's word or a list (because those are MY typical behaviors), but in HIS typical behavior he spoke to me in a song.

So, my Song for 2012 is "Remind Me Who I Am" by Jason Gray.
This year, it is my desire to be the person God has created me to be regardless of what is going on around me. This will be the year that He reminds me who I am and who I was meant to be.

P.S. Don't worry the lists are still around- that's part of who he created when I came on the scene!

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