Sunday, January 15, 2012

I have a confession to make...

Our Christmas decorations are still up. Yep, that's right, I said it. It is January 15th and we have not taken down a single decoration. I feel like we're the house on our old street that left their giant-sized multi-color flashing lights up all year- yeah, we're those people.

But really, there has to be some reasonable explanation why we are still looking at tinsel and lights weeks after the socially acceptable deadline has passed! It must be that we're crazy busy, or the boxes are in storage, or it's more fun to read blogs than take down garland, or, or, or....

Really, we just didn't feel like it. Our decorations have been up for 51 days. That may be a Guinness World Record! (Just so we're clear- our standard plan is Thanksgiving Day to New Years or the weekend right after it- 51 days is so not normal!) 

So rather than sit here for another week looking at the beauty old news that is our Christmas decorations, I'll put all the pictures up and make you look at them...I'm off to get some boxes out of storage.
Charlie's favorite spot

"Momma, why are you taking my tree away?"

Our Red and Gold Theme

Chicago's Christkindlmarkt candle find

Someday I will add our names...someday.
 And now, for my favorite part of our Christmas decorating...drum roll please!
Our Nativity set! (It is no longer made and took me almost a year to track down all the pieces on eBay, Amazon, and Christian bookstores, but I now have the complete set and I love it!) 
Shepherd and Sheep- the original piece of the Nativity

 Come to think of it, maybe my love for the Nativity is why we haven't taken our decorations down yet!

Sledding sounds like fun, maybe we'll put the decorations away next week!

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