Saturday, February 4, 2012

Snowballs, Football, and Skinny Buffaloes

I teach middle school now. 
(Insert typical gasp/ obligatory, "I don't know how you do it" comment.) 

Once upon a time I was sure I'd love teaching middle school, I almost made that my major, but then decided to get my degree for grades 6-12 so I'd have more freedom.

And then I started teaching high school and LOVED, love, loved it! And now I miss it. I miss the deep conversations-Becky & Jen who'd walk in often and say, "Mrs. A, I need you to plan my life". I miss working at the Football games and starting the "We are!" "Lancers!" cheer each game. I miss block scheduling like you can't believe! I miss celebrating and joking, "Stay off the roads", when my students get their driver's license. I miss the other amazing English and Resource teachers I got to work with.

And now, I live in middle school land. And I've learned that I still get to have deep conversations, when a student asks how to deal with something going on in her life. Though football games are a thing of the past, I get to see them compete in Speech tournaments, Scholastic Bowls, and treat their basketball and volleyball games like it's the NBA and National Championships. Though block scheduling isn't realistic for middle school, I now have a good schedule and a teacher's aid on occasion that helps me work with individual students more often. I write recommendations for high school Honors English class and celebrate when they 'get in'!  I'm now a one-man show when it comes to middle school English, but I get to find ways to incorporate other disciplines into the lessons I teach, which helps make me a better teacher.

So now, in my middle school world, I've discovered that it's not the age or grade level that I love, it's teaching. I just love teaching, regardless of who the kids are. (However, don't ask me to wipe noses or teach anyone younger than 6th grade, I may change my story!) I love being with students all day! I love seeing them succeed and helping them make better choices. I love being a teacher!
So what do "Snowballs, Football, and Skinny Buffaloes" have to do with anything? This is actually the subject of an email I received this week from our Middle School Division Coordinator about some behavior issues at recess that we need to be aware of from our Middle School students....and I thought the title was hilarious! One day, maybe I'll share the whole story behind the email, but since it involves students I can't right now. I may even make this the title of my book one day (if I ever write one...can I say bucket list!). This email title would never be necessary at the high school. Isn't middle school fun?!

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