So, today I took a time out. It has been two months since we first were told we were leaving St. Louis and moving to Morton, IL. So much has happened this summer much...
So, today instead of cleaning (though I did some loads of laundry) and instead of working on my curriculum, I decided to spend the afternoon catching up on some of the blogs I follow. My favorite part of reading people's blogs are the pictures. I think I'm becoming addicted to photography, especially this website of a professional photographer. I love to look at the unique ways professionals and iPhone-toters alike capture their lives. I wish I was good at it...I should take a class...or not...but my pictures have definitely improved since I've watched what others have done. So, for my own blog today, I thought I'd take a break from the task of compiling the pictures and stories of our Italy trip and just post some of my favorite, more artsy photos that we took.

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